Saturday, May 31, 2014

A day in Ho Chi Minh

An overnight stop in Ho Chi Minh before we start the trip up the Mekong in a Sam Pan to Phnom Penh.
We are at the Majestic Hotel near the Grand where we stayed nearly 10 years ago on a tour of Vietnam.  Ross and Beatrice will recall the trip to Hanoi, some old memories flooding back.
Last night in Singapore we went back to the night food stalls at Marina Bay and met up with the same guy at one of the stalls who says after you place your order.........10 Dolla, 7 Minnus, go way.  Now this may sound rather odd but what he was trying to say was....That will be S$10 for that plate and it will take 7 minutes to cook and if you would like to come back then it will all be ready.  All the customers thought he was a scream !!!
So we left Singapore at 2 pm today and when we reached Saigon and were leaving the plane, a young woman from the rear of the plane pushed past Judy and she thought she was rude and unreasonable (which she was).  Then when at the X-ray machine, Judy put her hand luggage through and from behind this same woman pushed in front and grabbed her bag pushing Judy out of the way.
In the 50 plus years I have known Judy I have never seen her so wild.  She followed the woman and gave her case the biggest kick of all time.  ( case almost turned over). The woman turned around and then realised that she had upset Judy and was unsure what to do.... Luckily she looked repentant.  I grabbed Judy and lead her away but could not stop laughing as this was so out of character for her.  Beware a woman scorned...  A whisky and soda and she was fine - another memory for travellers!

The traffic here is just as hectic as ever.  If you want to cross the road, do not hesitate nor change direction.  To do so would be at your own peril.

We are travelling in a sampan upstream on the Mekong river tomorrow morning and will not have power, wifi or much at all, so we think the blog report will probably not reappear for at least 3 days.

Traffic still noisy but for a Sunday it is quiet.

Front of hotel is clean and inviting.  Divide the prices by 20,000 to get the cost in US$ !!!

Rain storm approaching as we overlook the Saigon river.

This party boat holds 700 plus - puts the barby boats on the Yarra to shame.

Last day on Nikoi and back to Singapore

Last day on the beautiful island of Nikoi.
Although it was hard to leave today, as soon as the family left yesterday we knew it was time to move on.  They were the catalyst for the continuous fun and laughter, without them all there with us, the enjoyment level dropped and we were ready to pack up and leave.
Now back in Singapore and fly to Ho Chi Minh tomorrow.  

The track to the pool and bar.

The area under our beach hut.

Our beach hut and balcony.

On the jetty about to board the boat to Bintan Island.

Leaving Nikoi.

Passing by the water activities on the way out.

Nikoi is small but it left a deep impression on us.

And now back in Singapore.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

4th day on Nikoi

The day started off well, weather fantastic again and breakfast was magnificent overlooking the beach.
We were still reliving the dinner we had right on the beach last night - the candlelit table two metres from the sea lapping near our ankles, the sunset, then the moonlight on a balmy evening with the oil lamps around the table, the wonderful company made for a special evening.  The grandchildren were entertained by the staff in the kids club and we were spoilt by the waiters running back and forth from the kitchen and bar !!
At midday it was sad to see all the family packing up their luggage, including the wooden weapons the children had made in the kids club.
A farewell drink at the bar and then they boarded the boat for Bintan Island then Singapore and home to Melbourne.
We have one more day on Nikoi then leave for Singapore, Vietnam and Cambodia after what has been the most incredible family holiday.

The staff from the kids club came to say goodbye to the children.

Reagan and Melissa wanting to stay!

Ryan, Reagan and Melissa all farewelling us on the Nikoi pier.

The boat people leaving for Bintan Island !!!

It was sad to see them all leave against their wishes.

Bintan only 20 minutes away.

Farewell till next time.

3rd day on Nikoi

Calm waters today and perfect for snorkelling.  Everybody is in the water and searching for coral and fish.  
Our family dining table is 10 metres long without a join, 100 mm thick, and 1 metre wide, cut from one piece of driftwood brought from 120 km away.  It was cut and made here on the island.

The staff are exceptionally friendly and provide marvellous service to both adults and children.  There are about 60 working on the island (6 days on and then one day off) at any one time.  Another 20 come and go daily, and a further 50 are on Bintan Island carrying out administration, boat servicing, transferring passengers through customs and immigration, laundry, food supplies, driving transfer vehicles and boats,

Common questions from us are "where did I leave my thongs?" and "has anybody seen my hat?"

The monitor lizard is the second largest lizard in the world (ithe largest is the Komodo).  One lives in a rock close to the dining room (called Johnny, about 1.5 metres long).  He emerges each morning to eat food from the end of a long stick.  He also cleans up the sand under the table after the children's breakfast.

We took a walk through the jungle with a guide, found some turtle eggs partly eaten by a lizard, and met Lilly the large black female spider which is relatively harmless.  The males of this species are pink and very tiny, located around the fringe of the large web.  Apparently the female eats the males once they are no longer necessary!

The whole family of 16 at lunch on the VERY long table.

Beach scene with trampoline, kayaks and lounges.

Sandra and Judy with water sports centre behind.

Melissa practising on the paddle board.

Jo looking very relaxed while giving Melissa some tips.

Reagan paddling a kayak on crystal clear waters

Judy very relaxed in holiday mode.

Johnny the monitor lizard.

Lilly the spider in the jungle.

The whole family - all 16 of us.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

2nd day on Nikoi

The celebrations are continuing, another wild night last night, but first.......

Started the day with the challenge to paddle around the Island on Kayaks. Three teams, two in each boat and away they went.  After 30 mins the rules had to be re written as the leading Team disembarked at the northern end of the Island and were found at the pool bar drinking cocktails (10.30 am !!!)
All teams eventually completed the course and then the tennis comps started.

Pre-lunch drinks followed at one of the several bars on the island, and then yet another delicious meal of mango salad, duck, rice, and Asian vegetables.  The island previously had a mango plantation, so these trees produce plentiful supplies of fruit for the guests.

To work off our lunch there were more physical activities - wind surfing, more kayaking, and yachting on lasers.  Also swimming and snorkelling.

The resort has a "Kids Club" which provides supervised activities to entertain the children.  Every evening they have a treasure hunt, and after their dinner a movie is shown on a big screen whilst they lie in bean bags on the sand.  So far during the day they have made a bow and arrow set, hunting knife with scabbard (made from soft local wood) and a sword that they must take with them when venturing on the daily environmental interpretation walks.  Yesterday there was even a coconut tree climbing lesson for the older children to try it for themselves. (very successful and safe with harness)
They were also taught to ride the" flying fox" (a cable strung between two large trees)

After a long drawn out session of pre dinner drinks and a dinner of seafood, we then took Judy into the  home theatre area and played a DVD of her life story in photos.  More tears and much laughter to complete an amazing family bonding day.

Can this get any better !!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

1st day on Nikoi


The Nikoi Island staff were waiting for our boat on the jetty to welcome us by name. They led us along sand paths past thatched huts to the bar to check in. The family allowed a minute or two for Judy to settle in with a cool drink. The 3 children then pounced out from behind the bar, the grandkids rushed in and the staff started singing and playing the guitar. There were champagne bottles popping and lots of tears from Mum coupled with laughter from the rest of us knowing we had succeeded in pulling off the surprise of the century!

This place is truly special. The beer and cocktails are flowing, the kids are entertained, the staff are incredible, the facilities and food first class and the weather divine. We are all in heaven and are pinching ourselves in disbelief. There are 87 staff and 32 guests of which we constitute half. 

More later, too busy at the bar now and lunch awaits in the open air sand floored dining room. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A Surprise on Nikoi Island

We are planning an extraordinary event as a surprise for Judy's birthday and to further build on the enjoyable aspects of her retirement.

Judy and I are leaving for Nikoi Island on 24 May 2014.  This private island is near Singapore but part of Indonesia.   All 14 of our children and grandchildren are departing for Singapore several days earlier and arriving on the island 3 hours before us for what will be the greatest surprise of Judy's life.

The moment she steps off the boat,surrounded by her family, will be a memory for all of us for many years to come but more especially Judy.  The grandchildren are unaware of their impending trip so far but are excited that they all have passports and will be told of the plan just before leaving for the airport.

After Nikoi, Judy and I are heading to Ho Chi Minh, cruising up the Mekong Delta to Phnom Penh and then touring throughout Cambodia.

We hope you enjoy this Blog !

                                       This is Nikoi Island off Bintan Island near Singapore.
                                       The Island below is Bawah Island near Nikoi.