Wednesday, May 28, 2014

4th day on Nikoi

The day started off well, weather fantastic again and breakfast was magnificent overlooking the beach.
We were still reliving the dinner we had right on the beach last night - the candlelit table two metres from the sea lapping near our ankles, the sunset, then the moonlight on a balmy evening with the oil lamps around the table, the wonderful company made for a special evening.  The grandchildren were entertained by the staff in the kids club and we were spoilt by the waiters running back and forth from the kitchen and bar !!
At midday it was sad to see all the family packing up their luggage, including the wooden weapons the children had made in the kids club.
A farewell drink at the bar and then they boarded the boat for Bintan Island then Singapore and home to Melbourne.
We have one more day on Nikoi then leave for Singapore, Vietnam and Cambodia after what has been the most incredible family holiday.

The staff from the kids club came to say goodbye to the children.

Reagan and Melissa wanting to stay!

Ryan, Reagan and Melissa all farewelling us on the Nikoi pier.

The boat people leaving for Bintan Island !!!

It was sad to see them all leave against their wishes.

Bintan only 20 minutes away.

Farewell till next time.

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