Wednesday, May 28, 2014

3rd day on Nikoi

Calm waters today and perfect for snorkelling.  Everybody is in the water and searching for coral and fish.  
Our family dining table is 10 metres long without a join, 100 mm thick, and 1 metre wide, cut from one piece of driftwood brought from 120 km away.  It was cut and made here on the island.

The staff are exceptionally friendly and provide marvellous service to both adults and children.  There are about 60 working on the island (6 days on and then one day off) at any one time.  Another 20 come and go daily, and a further 50 are on Bintan Island carrying out administration, boat servicing, transferring passengers through customs and immigration, laundry, food supplies, driving transfer vehicles and boats,

Common questions from us are "where did I leave my thongs?" and "has anybody seen my hat?"

The monitor lizard is the second largest lizard in the world (ithe largest is the Komodo).  One lives in a rock close to the dining room (called Johnny, about 1.5 metres long).  He emerges each morning to eat food from the end of a long stick.  He also cleans up the sand under the table after the children's breakfast.

We took a walk through the jungle with a guide, found some turtle eggs partly eaten by a lizard, and met Lilly the large black female spider which is relatively harmless.  The males of this species are pink and very tiny, located around the fringe of the large web.  Apparently the female eats the males once they are no longer necessary!

The whole family of 16 at lunch on the VERY long table.

Beach scene with trampoline, kayaks and lounges.

Sandra and Judy with water sports centre behind.

Melissa practising on the paddle board.

Jo looking very relaxed while giving Melissa some tips.

Reagan paddling a kayak on crystal clear waters

Judy very relaxed in holiday mode.

Johnny the monitor lizard.

Lilly the spider in the jungle.

The whole family - all 16 of us.

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