Thursday, June 5, 2014

Chau Doc to Phnom Penh

Final day in Vietnam, up at 5.30am and then on the fast boat to Phnom Penh.  Trip took 5 hours with 1 hour waiting around at both the Vietnam and Cambodia Immigration Centres when we were crossing into Cambodia.
Weather extremely hot and steamy again.  The humidity is close to 100% with misty rain off and on throughout the day.  The Sofitel Hotel is pleasantly air-conditioned, so we have decided to stay indoors this afternoon and prepare for a long and hot touring day tomorrow.
Our experience of Cambodians to date is that they are very attractive, polite, helpful, friendly, and have a ready smile (except for the uniformed officials at the border!!).

Boarding the boat at Chau Doc for the 5 hour trip to Phnom Penh

More homes on sticks along the Mekong. Most are fishing families.

This is a typical ferry taking the locals with their bikes and motor bikes across the Mekong.  
Many of the ferries are operated by women which is good to see.

The immigration centre at the Cambodian border.  The group behind Judy had a few beers while waiting for the officials to do their thing.  Time 8.45am !  They slept the rest of the way.

Arriving at Phnom Penh which is much nicer than this photo depicts. 
Will add more descriptive photos tomorrow.

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