Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Day 2 in Kep

To continue the facts about the corruption and takeover of Cambodia, Angkor Wat complex has been leased for 99 years to Vietnam.  Thus all of the entry fees end up in the pockets of the Vietnamese, at the same time as funds provided by other countries for restoration are presumably being added to the "value" of the complex if it is ever taken over from Cambodia.

As tourists, we would like to think that what we spend here can help the local people, but it is heartbreaking to know that our $'s end up increasing the wealth of few local but many foreign businesses and corrupt locals and government officials of both Cambodia and other SE Asian nations.  There does not seem to be an answer as to how we could help these people, because their history and current political situation makes it very difficult.  Staying in a 4 or 5 star hotel seems to put nothing back into the community other than providing employment.

We have eaten some interesting and delicious food in both Vietnam and Cambodia, but drawn the line at "Duck Foetuses".  The eggs have been incubated for 18 days (full term = 28 days), and are steamed gently.  The duckling is still squishy, tender, and half formed.  The veins, bones and feathers are removed or eaten as desired.  Best consumed at night when you can't really see what you are eating!!

The weather here is much more pleasant than previous locations, with a quite strong warm breeze blowing from across the water.  The seafood meals are a delicious combination of Asian and Western cuisine.

There are 3 dining areas, this one on the waters edge is pleasant in the mornings.

Another long table like Nikoi Island cut from one local tree.

A windy day with fishermen struggling to catch fish for the evening meal.

View from our balcony.

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