Thursday, June 12, 2014

Day 4 in Kep

The strong winds and whitecaps culminated in a wild storm overnight - lightning, thunder, lashing rain and very strong winds.  The storm returned with renewed vigour at breakfast where the eating area was inundated with heavy rain coming sideways under the roof thatching.  Too wild to take a photograph!!
Not far offshore is a small tropical island called "Rabbit Island" in English, which can be visited for a day  or is available for rudimentary accommodation.  The sea has been much too rough to contemplate this trip.
There is quite a bit of French here - on signs, menus, and in the accent of some of the locals.  These are remnants of the French influence during the colonial period of 1864 - 1953.  

The photos below do not show the severity of the rain but we think it may be time to leave.  We are back to Phnom Penh tomorrow, then Singapore for a night and then home.  

A very serious game of cards on the foreshore at Kep.

Kep beach on a windy and rainy day.

Wherever you look there are hammocks strung up for the locals to have a snooze.

We are off exploring again in a Tuk Tuk.

Not sure of the significance of this statue but it sure brightens up the dull weather.

Best shot I could get of the rain pouring down.

Looks fine but it is bucketing down and blowing a gale with thunder and lightning.

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