Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Day 3 in Kep

We have now moved into the slower than slow mode and are taking advantage of the lifestyle here.  The wind has not let up and the waves are rolling in but the temperature has dropped to just below 30C.
The breeze is very pleasant and the atmosphere amongst the palm trees very laid-back.
Two more foods which we are loath to try are fried spiders (large and very black) and cows' veins.  Frogs and all seafoods are considered ok for us.
Cambodia is renowned for special peppercorns which are called Kampot Pepper and known around the world.  They are grown organically at Koh Kong.  A standout dish is Pepper Crab.
A trip to the crab market to check out the restaurants lined up over the water was on today's agenda.  $6 per serve of any sort of seafood you could wish for and cooked in front of you, with a cold beer ($1.50).  Now that is close to the best lunch one could dream about.  This was only a short walk along the coastline from our hotel.

Durian at the market -  "tastes like heaven but smells like hell".

What about this for a plate of squid just after the fresh crab? Out of the crab pot and on to the plate within 10 minutes.  Can't get fresher than that!

Fish being cooked at the crab market. Those that are not sold for immediate consumption are set aside and sold for making dried fish.

This lady was in and out of the water for hours while we were at the crab market.  When customers want more crabs, she walks out fully clothed, brings in a crab pot, and sells them to the stall owner who then cooks and sells them to the tourists and locals.

Chicken foetuses being cooked for eating (as described previously)

Mobile food vendor with soft drinks on the front and ............

Yes, snails cooking on the back.  Why not try one of each??

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